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Now this guy has mega hemeroids
This guy was scratching his bum for years, then he looked at all the hems on his butt, he scratched just one and it poped (exploded) |
Guy Shoots
This guy was about to hit me but then i shot him in the head with the shotgun. |
The screw up
I made a mod and it made guys look like this. <----------- |
The Bloody Sneeze
I asked this guy five times not to sneeze. Because i told him what would happen if he did. lol and guess what happend. Yep, he blew blood and it was dangorous.
The Mod
This guy blew up the second after this. And I call him (THE LEGOMAN). This is a mod that I made. |
The War
This game was kinda fun because everyone just threw mines around. I kept on running around and jumping. This one I just dodged the rail rifle he shot at me.
The Ball Hit
Ow Now that would hurt. This guy got shot in the balls and flew backwards. And guess who shot the bullet :). (me) |