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Server ModS
You need to ask me for these mods, Because i dont just give them out. These mods are only for sertain types of servers and "we dont allow you to join a server with these mods but if you have it on and forgot about it then you will take it off and play the game. On my servers u can bring the mods i dont care what ones but remember, dont join anyones server and play but if they ask you to bring them then it is allright. My e-mail is that is for "aim, msn, yahoo and icq" BUT USE MSN ! !
Shadow Skin
This one is the best skin i have ever made. It can be used in multi player as the blue team.
Mine Time
This mod is cool. The damage radius is very low, ex: 0.00001, and you can throw as many as you want. It also goes as far as you want it. This is very cool.
Perfect Dark Mod
This one is very cool, Its almost like the game. So if u want to ask me for this one please ask cuz this mod is sweet.